Previous Freedom of Information requests

This section details each Freedom of Information (FOI) request we have processed within the last 2 years, including when it was received, what it concerned and our response to it.

Freedom of Information requests and responses

  • 2022-1: “Use of Expanded Polystyrene insulation (EPS)” Date Received: 09/05/2022 Download
  • 2022-2: “RIDDOR related incidents” Date Received: 17/08/2022 Download
  • 2023-1: “Evictions as a result of rent arrears” Date Received: 14/02/2023 Download
  • 2023-02: "Violent incidents" Date Received 31/05/2023 Download
  • 2023-3: “Social Housing Evictions” Date Received: 10/07/2023 Download
  • 2023-4: “IHA stock” Date Received: 25/09/2023 Download
  • 2024-01: “Pest Infestations”. Date request received: 11/02/2024 Download
  • 2024-03: “Violent incidents" Date Received: 01/05/2024 Download
  • 2024-04:”Accident Reports” Date Received: 08/03/2024 Download
  • 2024-05: “Social Housing Evictions” Date Received: 07/05/2024 Download