
Our factoring policy and getting in touch with us about factoring.

We aim to provide a high quality factoring service that offers value for money, meets good practice standards and complies with legal requirements. Please see our Property Factoring Policy for more information.

Every owner should have a Written Statement of Services. This sets out exactly what works an owner is paying for, the ownership split etc.

Factoring Queries:

Please contact our Income Collection team on 0345 112 6600 for any queries related to Factoring accounts or arrears.

All other enquiries e.g. quality of the service, why you are paying Factoring charges etc should be directed to a Tenant Partner. Tenant Partner contact details can be found on the FAQ’s section of the website.

Factoring Complaints and Compliments:
Please go to our Customer Feedback page.

If your complaint does not come to a satisfactory conclusion, please contact the First-Tier Tribunal for Scotland, Housing and Property Chamber.  Contact details for the First-Tier Tribunal for Scotland, Housing and Property Chamber are:

Housing and Property Chamber
First-tier Tribunal for Scotland
Glasgow Tribunals Centre
20 York Street
G2 8GT
Telephone: 0141 302 5900

Or alternatively:

Email: [email protected]
Visit: https://www.housingandpropertychamber.scot/