Value for Money Statement Consultation

Every three years, Riverside Scotland must publish a statement in relation to Value for Money, as outlined in line within the  Scottish Housing Regulator’s Standards of Governance and Financial Management for RSLs (Regulatory Standard 3) . This statement sets out how we plan to achieve Value for Money and considerations we take when trying to manage our resources to ensure our financial well-being, while maintaining rents at a level that tenants can afford to pay. As well as this, this statement sets out how we plan to measure our performance in achieving this.

In line with the Scottish Social Housing Regulator’s guidance, Riverside Scotland must also consult its customers on our proposals and plans to achieve Value for Money.  Riverside Scotland consults with customers, not only because we are required to, but because we value customer feedback.

We would be grateful if you could share your feedback with us by completing this short survey

Any responses you provide will be anonymous, unless you wish to be included in the prize draw. If you would like to be entered into the prize draw please include your name and contact number in any of the free text boxes. 

You can access the draft full statement here, but you do not have to read this in full prior to completing the survey as the relevant sections are included within the survey.

This consultation survey closes on Friday 8th September 2023. 

There is a prize draw for a £20 Love2Shop voucher. See terms and conditions.

If you have any questions, please contact:
Gavin Wiffen, Customer & Community Engagement Officer, on 07970 348 724 or by email at [email protected].