You said, we did…

We’ve been listening and making changes to how we deliver services based on your feedback.

You said…
You wanted to know when investments, such as new doors and windows were planned for your tenancies.
We did…
We will now publish our investment programme down to address level on our website at the start of each financial year. You can view this years programme here.

You said…
It is sometimes difficult when you phone to speak to the right person.
We did…
We have now reviewed our communications processes to ensure calls made to our Customer Service Centre are directed to appropriate members of staff as quickly as possible, and we are monitoring this on an ongoing basis.

You said…
There are constant issues of fly tipping of rubbish and minimal maintenance being carried out across our estates.
We did…
Our housing officers have introduced initiatives such as pre planned skip rubbish disposal in priority areas, and we are exploring further initiatives with our Local Authority partners and tenants and residents groups. We have also arranged proactive clean ups of key areas with our landscaping contractor.

You said…
Our process for signing up to a tenancy could be made quicker and easier with more practical advice on how to operate things like heating systems within properties.
We did…
We have reviewed, and are about to launch, a new and simplified tenant’s handbook, and we are working on development of an online video property profile for each of our house types.

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